who are we?

CODEX ALIMENTARIUS is about safe, good food for everyone - everywhere.

about Codex Alimentarius

There is a lot at stake for protecting consumer health and ensuring fair practices in the food trade.

International food trade has existed for thousands of years but until not too long ago food was mainly produced, sold and consumed locally. Over the last century the amount of food traded internationally has grown exponentially, and a quantity and variety of food never before possible travels the globe today.

International Food Standards

The CODEX ALIMENTARIUS international food standards, guidelines and codes of practice contribute to the safety, quality and fairness of this international food trade. Consumers can trust the safety and quality of the food products they buy and importers can trust that the food they ordered will be in accordance with their specifications.

General Principles of the Codex Alimentarius

Purpose of the Codex Alimentarius

The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally adopted food standards and related texts presented in a uniform manner. These food standards and related texts aim at protecting consumers’ health and ensuring fair practices in the food trade. The publication of the Codex Alimentarius is intended to guide and promote the elaboration and establishment of definitions and requirements for foods to assist in their harmonization and in doing so to facilitate international trade.

Madagascar's National Structure

Madagascar is one of the Commission's 188 member countries since 1966.
Two national structures exist, namely the Codex's Contact Point (CCP)
and the National Codex Alimentarius Committee (CNCA)

the Codex's Contact Point

The Codex's Contact Point roles are :

  • serving as liaison with Member Countries and the Codex's Secretariat
  • coordinating all Codex's activities within the country
  • working closely with the CNCA
  • maintaining connection between IAA, restaurant, consumers, traders
  • promoting Codex's activities in the country


Contact informations

Mme RAHARINOSY Lantomalala
Ambohidahy, BP 454 Antananarivo
+261 34 05 533 43
pcc.codexmadagascar @ gmail.com

the Codex Alimentarius National Committee

Created in 2006 by Decree No. 2006-619 of 22 August 2006 under the supervision of the Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs, the National Codex Alimentarius Committee is composed of several departments, including public and private ones, as well as consumer associations, the FAO and WHO (observers).

It is a forum for the exchange of information between all sectors concerned with food, a section contribute to the creation of policy positions in Codex Alimentarius domain, but also a tool for communication and sensitisation on food safety

The Committee's tasks are:

  • Propose/adopt Codex Alimentarius standards for the development of national standards in accordance with risk analysis
  • Contribute to the development and promotion of technical regulations and regulatory texts in the food sector;
  • To act as a consultant to the government;
  • Formulate the national position on draft Codex standards, texts or proposals; Designate delegates to attend Codex meetings;
  • Establish technical subcommittees as needed to ensure the country's active participation in Codex activities..


Its main purposes are:

  • serving as liaison with Member Countries and the Codex's Secretariat
  • coordinating all Codex's activities within the country

A word from the President

The development of trade and the promotion of regional integration are leading to a high level of activity in the production, processing and marketing of foodstuffs.
Food-borne diseases are common in least developed countries such as Madagascar. Several food crises related to food safety and quality have occurred in developed countries, especially in Europe (dioxin, melamine, meat adulteration ....). Thus, consumers are becoming more and more demanding and importing countries are imposing strict standards on products from exporting countries to protect their consumers. All this shows that food safety and quality have become a real concern at the national and international level.
In Madagascar, the National Codex Alimentarius Committee is a forum for exchange and discussion on all these issues. Its objectives being the protection of consumers and the guarantee of the fair practice of food trade.
Since 2016, it has received support from the Codex Trust Fund 2 and several activities have been carried out to promote food hygiene, health and nutritional safety and the dissemination of good practices (agricultural, processing, packaging, ...)
Much remains to be done, so we ask for your support to achieve these objectives.
Together, let's contribute to the promotion of food safety in Madagascar and let's keep the slogan we adopted for the 10th anniversary of the Committee: "Sakafo madio sy ara-pahasalamana, antoky ny fampandrosoana".
Vétérinaire Officiel
6 bis, Rue Rainandriamampandry, Soarano, Tanà 101
+261 34 04 374 74
tsimokhaja @ yahoo.fr

our blog

all CNCA's posts : news, eventsand gallery

Le 03 Novembre 2023 passé, La Chargée de la communication au sein de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé à Madagascar a reçu quelques représentants du Comité National du Codex


Sous le financement du Projet TCP/MAG/3902 de la FAO, des membres ainsi que des experts du Comité National du Codex Alimentarius ont pu bénéficier d’un programme de


contact us

Feel free to fill the form for contacting us or asking further informations




6 bis, Rue Rainandriamampandry,
Soarano, Antananarivo 101
+261 34 05 533 43
pcc.codexmadagascar @ gmail.com

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